Hong Kong to Ban Public Vaping by Mid-2026

Tags: Hong Kong, vaping ban, public health, anti-tobacco policy, smoking reduction

New Vaping Restrictions to Be Implemented

Hong Kong will prohibit the possession and use of e-cigarette cartridges in public places by mid-2026 as part of the government’s broader anti-tobacco measures. Despite a 2022 ban on the import, manufacture, and sale of e-cigarettes, vaping remains widespread in the city.

Step-by-Step Enforcement Approach

Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau stated that the ban would begin with outdoor public areas before expanding to all locations once the public becomes accustomed to the regulation. The proposed legislation will be submitted to the legislature in April, with implementation expected by mid-2026.

Concerns Over Illegal Imports and Drug Use

Authorities have expressed concern over the continued availability of illegal e-cigarettes and their use as a means to inhale substances like etomidate, an anaesthetic known as “space oil.” Officials have been ramping up enforcement to curb this issue.

Additional Tobacco Control Measures

As part of its legislative push, the Hong Kong government will also propose banning non-menthol flavored cigarettes. The overall goal is to reduce the city’s smoking prevalence rate from 9.1% in 2023 to 7.8% this year.


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