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颱風來襲,停電成為許多民眾擔憂的問題。強颱康芮襲台,已造成逾15萬戶停電,台電持續緊急搶修中。以下整理停電查詢、報修流程,以及停電期間的注意事項,助您從容應對各種突發情況。 ### 如何查詢停電資訊與報修流程 如遇停電情況,可利用台電的「[停電查詢及通報](」網站,輸入地址或電號,即可即時查詢停電狀況。若需報修,可透過案件通報功能,輸入停電情況、聯絡人姓名、電話和電子郵件,送出後會收到案號,並能隨時查詢台電的最新修復進度。 ### 台電停電通知與公告方式 台電若進行計畫性停電,會事先以紙本通知單告知停電時間和原因;如未接到通知單,應先檢查是否因電費逾期而被停電。台電提供60天寬限期,過後才會暫停供電。 此外,若颱風期間通報專線「1911」滿線,可撥打台電特設的颱風搶修專線「0800-019-110」,此專線於陸上颱風警報解除後會關閉,供民眾快速獲取停電資訊。 ### 停電前、中、後應注意事項 停電時,避免搭乘電梯,確保安全。若已在電梯內,按下警報鈕等待救援,並保持冷靜。停電時,建議調低手機亮度、關閉WiFi或開飛航模式,以節省電力。隨身攜帶行動電源也能確保通訊暢通。 需要光源時,可優先使用手電筒或緊急照明燈。若用蠟燭,應遠離易燃物品並在無人看管時熄滅火焰,以防火災。 ### 復電前的準備 等待復電時,建議先關閉總電源,並拔掉冷氣、電冰箱、微波爐等易損壞的電器插頭,避免因瞬間高壓損壞電器,甚至引發火災。冰箱食物保存方面,可將家中冰塊放在冷藏最上層,以保持冰箱低溫,避免頻繁開關冰箱門。如停電過久,應將隔夜菜、生鮮和雞蛋等易腐食物丟棄,以確保安全。 在颱風期間,電力供應的中斷可能會對生活造成重大影響,請務必提前做好準備,確保個人及家庭的安全與健康。隨時保持關注台電的公告與最新消息,並遵循相關安全指引。
Trump’s Potential Return Complicates China’s Economic Policy
#ChinaEconomy #TrumpChinaRelations #ChinaFiscalStimulus #XiJinping #USChinaTradeWar #ChinaDebtPolicy If former US president Donald Trump secures a second term, China may face increased challenges in navigating its economic policies. President Xi Jinping, who shifted his economic agenda in late September to target a 5% growth goal, is now preparing for the National People’s Congress (NPC) meeting, where crucial…
Taiwan Prepares for Massive Typhoon Kong-rey Shutdown
#TaiwanTyphoon #TyphoonKongRey #TaiwanStorm #TaiwanWeather #TaiwanEmergency #TaiwanNews Taiwan has shut down in anticipation of the powerful Typhoon Kong-rey, with all cities and counties announcing a day off. Financial markets have been closed, and hundreds of flights cancelled due to the typhoon, expected to be the largest in size to hit the island in the past three…
High&Low at the 90th China International Medical Device Expo: Key Highlights
Tags: Shenzhen Power Filters, Shenzhen EMI Power Filters, Shenzhen EMC Company, China EMC Company, China Power Filters, EMI Power Filters, CHINA EMI Power Filter, Shenzhen EMI Power Filter High&Low, a leading name in Shenzhen’s power filter industry, showcased its cutting-edge EMI power filter technology at the China International Industrial Expo. The exhibition demonstrated the company’s…